4K Enrollment Help
4K Enrollment and Program Information
What to consider when choosing a site:
- Is my child 4 before September 1?
- AM or PM?
- Does my child need wrap around care?
- Are we interested in busing?
- Where is the best location for my child to go to 4K?
Locations and Busing
We have 9 locations for 4K in the DCE Area - serving 14 classrooms.
Exprectations and Location Assignment
DCE 4K students who are enrolled are expected to attend a 5-day per week program (Monday-Friday) and attendance is reported to the district. DCE 4K is a one year program and students are expected to enroll in 5K the following year.
Site assignments are based on many criteria: need for child care services, special programming needs, transportation, and available openings at the site requested. Potty training is NOT a prerequisite. The only prerequisite is that you are 4 before September 1.
Spanish/Hmong online registration forms will be available.
What do I need to register?
- Top three sites
- Birth certificate
- Immunization records
- Busing form (if needed)
- 10MB file no larger
More Information
Our school board makes determinations on special education caps at our January board meeting.
Last year there were no spots for open enrollment for special education.
4K Day
- AM: 9:00-11:40
- PM: 12:30-3:10
Note: Some sites have small differences in start/end times
- Greeting circle
- Small groups
- Play
- Gross motor
- Snack
Important Contacts
Please call 715-359-4221: and ask for::
- Rachel Koss, Principal
- Sarah Edens, School Psychologist
- Sara Welsh, School Social Worker
- Xia Xiong, Family Resource and Interpreter